Bride of Frankenstein Book Signing

4.0-Book-signing-Frankenstein-Rachel-IllustrationThe Bride of Frankenstein coloring book, written by Valerie Jensen and Emily Pambianchi and illustrated by Rachel Wise will be available for sale at the Prospector Theater Pop Up Shop (454 Main Street) on Friday September 13 at 4:00 pm. Please join us on Friday the 13th to purchase your special copy of the Coloring Book. The book tells the story of our upcoming movie, “Bride of Frankenstein”. Here is a video of the talented Rachel illustrating the book: watch video >

The Coloring books will be sold for $10, and the first 100 sold will come with a free box of crayons. The books are suitable for all ages, and make great gifts. As Frankenstein might say, “COLOR BOOK GOOD!!”