The members of SPHERE Art completed their Spring session last evening. Along with teacher Stacey Kolbig, members selected which works to hang on the walls of 421 Main Street. The works are rich in variety ranging from colorful paintings of playful juxtapositions such as a snake on roller blades, a horse shopping at Vera Bradley to photo collages of members’ faces (see if you can identify whose nose that is next to whose mouth, whose eyes – its a puzzle of fun,)  printmaking and book sculptures that can be hung on the wall.

Stacey related that the members had “… a real sense of ownership with putting up the work up for display… . It was great, we would place a piece, then we would all step back to the other side of the room to decide as a group if we liked it.”

According to Stacey “It was the perfect way to end the Spring art session.” Now the members are official curators of a public art exhibit.

Drop by and take a look. Its a treat and feast for the eyes. And stay tuned for information on SPHERE’S Summer Art classes.